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Intent and Schemes of Work

Overall Curriculum Intent Statement

The aim of the curriculum is for children to thrive academically, socially, emotionally and physically. We want children to leave Yardley Primary who are literate and numerate to at least expected standard. Who are creative, can problem solve, reason and work together. They are independent and self-motivated learners. They demonstrate the key school values of trust, honesty, respect, enjoyment and responsibility as well having good manners and a healthy attitude to competitive sports.

The key ethos is that children take the next step in their learning when they are ready to do so.

This is achieved through a broad and balanced curriculum which includes not only the taught subjects, extra curriculum activities, workshops and community work but also through the culture of the school.

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here. Please be aware that, particularly in Maths and English, pupils are often working on curriculum areas either above or below their chronological age depending on their ability.