As part of the RAY Academy Trust, the Trust acts as our admissions authority for years 1 to 6, we still work closely with Waltham Forest Admissions who maintain a waiting list of pupils hoping to get a place in the school. If you are interested in a place for your child, either for a future Reception class, or an in-year transfer please contact them on 020 8496 3000 or
Places for Reception are administered by Waltham Forest and details of the admissions process and criteria can be found in the admissions handbook which is published on their website (link below).
For in-year admissions, where a pupil transfers from another school, we will first talk with interested parents to inform you if we have a space in the specific year group required. If we do, then we will consult with Waltham Forest admissions to establish if there are any pupils waiting for a space in that year group to see if we can offer the place directly or not.
Places in the school's nursery are arranged by the school. Please contact the nursery via the school office contact details. Please note that a place in the nursery does not guarantee a child a place in Reception.
If you are a prospective parent and would like to arrange a visit to see the school, please contact the office to arrange a date and time for the Headteacher or another member of the Leadership team to give you a tour. These tours usually take place from September to early January.
In September 2023, the school took on an additional Reception class (going from 2 form entry to 3 form) at the request of Waltham Forest. In Septembers 2024 and 2025 we will also have additional Reception classes with a view to becoming a 3 form entry school from September 2026.
The school office will be able to help you if you have any other queries regarding school admissions.
To view Waltham Forest's information on applying for a primary school place, please click here
Despite being an Academy, the Trust process appeals through Waltham Forest where they are put forward to an independent panel to make a decision. For more details please click on the link below. The school office will also be able to provide you with information on lodging an appeal. Appeals