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School Performance data and Ofsted

National Assessment Data 2023-24

The school achieved another set of strong results in the national assessments for the academic year 2023-24 with all results significantly above the published national averages for key stage 2. Our combined reading, writing and maths score and our greater depth maths score were both in the top 1% in the country.

Key Stage 2

Combined Reading, Writing and Maths - 94%. National Average 59%

Subject Yardley Expected % National % Expected Yardley Greater Depth %  
Reading 98 74 64  
Maths 97 73 69  
Writing 97 72 42  
Combined 95 59    
GPS 98 72 83  

Year 1 Phonics - 92% of pupils passed

Reception - 85% (to be confirmed) of children made expected progress in the prime areas of learning.

Ofsted Report

After being graded as outstanding in 2008, the school was exempt from inspection for many years due to it's continued high performance. We were inspected in October 2023 and were again judged to be outstanding in all areas. The full report can be found here

Compare school performance

The government website where you can compare school performance with other schools can be found here.