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Sports and PE Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

For 2023-24 Yardley Primary School received £20307 for our PE and Sport premium grant.

The amount was spent in full to contribute to covering the costs of the part-time specialist sports coach (who works 3 and half days a week), and a dance coaches who teach the after-school clubs.

The school offers 8 after school sports activities, fully funded by the school, with no cost to parents.

Pupils from Years 1 to 6 have the opportunity to attend at least one club a week. Sometimes, if clubs are oversubscribed then pupils will take part in the club for half the school year and then another set of children from the same year group will have the opportunity to take part.

Our high commitment to and participation in inter school sports competitions can be evidenced by the results our teams and individuals achieve. 

The school has been very successful in inter-sport competitions within Waltham Forest over the 2023-24 academic year. These included

Year 4 boys' football - Winners

Year 6 boys' football - Winners

Year 2 boys' cross country - 2nd Place team award

Year 2 girls' cross country - 2nd place team award

KS2 Orion Harriers cross country - boys' team Winners - girls' team 2nd place

Year 5/6 Sportshall athletics - Winners (went on to represent Waltham Forest at London Youth games)

Year 3/4 Sportshall athletics - Winners

Year 2 Sportshall athletics - Winners

Year 4 boys' B-team football - 3rd place

Year 6 girls' table tennis - 3rd place

Year 5/6 Tennis - A-team winners, B-team second place

Quad Kids Athletics

Year 2 - Winners

Year 3 - 2nd place

Year 4 - Winners

Year 5 - Winners

Year 6 - Winners

For the school year 2023-24 we were awarded the Gold Schools Games Mark. 

In 2023-24 Swimming took place for Year 5  pupils. They follow an intensive 2 week program where they swim for an hour every day. Last year 90% of year 5 pupils could swim at least 25metres, using a range of strokes effectively and perform self-rescue in different situations.  

We also run an in-school KS2 cross country around the school grounds each year, in year football and rounders competitions and our annual Year 6 Tug-of-War competition.

Sustainability is provided by class teachers co-teaching with a specialist sports coach during the lesson time to improve their own teaching of gymnastics, athletics, dance and a range of sports. The PE timetable is rotated termly so that all children receive access to being taught by the specialist coach throughout the year.