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Implementation and Organisation

Our Curriculum - Overview

This is ‘pupil led’ – we teach what our pupils need to take their learning and skills forward. It is highly differentiated to cater for the range of abilities in each class and the predominant classroom organisation is ability group teaching. We do not allow national or published schemes to dictate the pace of learning and teaching - the pupils’ ability (which for many pupils is well ahead of national expectations) and our professional judgement dictates this.

Foundation Stage

Teaching is guided by the Foundation Stage Curriculum. In the nursery, teaching is cross curricular in nature. In reception there is a session focusing on English activity and a session of maths activity each morning. The remainder of the curriculum is cross curricular. Phonics is taught daily in reception.


Our English Programme of Study guides the teaching of English. English is taught each morning for 1 hour with alternate reading and writing weeks. There are core text book schemes for comprehension. Objectives for lessons, and tasks given to pupils, are highly differentiated and will cross 2 or more year group boundaries.

Phonics is taught daily in KS1 and also daily to groups in KS2 classes where there are pupils who have not gained all the skills required of the programme by the end of Y2. The Jolly Phonics scheme of work and the Letters and Sounds materials guide the teaching of phonics.


Our Mathematics Programme of Study provides a good progression (what comes next in learning) through strands. The Abacus Scheme of Work is the major resource. Objectives for lessons, and tasks given to pupils, are highly differentiated and will cross 2 or more year group boundaries.

Our standard lesson is a 3-part lesson: mental mathematics with the whole class – differentiated group work – plenary.

All pupils must be taught strategies for the memorisation of number bonds and frequently deal with ‘real-life’ and ‘worded’ problems.


Our Science Scheme of work provides progression and timetabling. Pupils learn a combination of scientific knowledge and Scientific skills. Strong links in teaching and learning are made with data handling in mathematics.


The Purple Mash Scheme of Work provides progression.


Our Programme of Study, based on the agreed Waltham Forest syllabus, provides guidance and progression.

Other National Curriculum subjects

For all other National Curriculum subjects we have Programmes of Study that provide timetabling and progression.

Units of work also afford the extension and use of English, mathematics and life skills.

PSHE/ Thinking skills/Emotional Intelligence

Our own schemes of work provide progression and timetabling for these aspects of the curriculum.

How the curriculum is organised in the primary years

All year groups have a curriculum map which ensures coverage and progression but is flexible enough to piece together in different ways and afford some time to cover learning that is pupil or teacher initiated.

Key Stage 2

  • English 5 hours per week
  • Maths 5 hours per week
  • Science 2 hours per week
  • Computing 1 hour per week
  • PE 2 hours per week
  • MFL 1 hour per week
  • Thinking Skills/PSHE 1 hour per week on alternate weeks

6 hours per topic over 38 weeks – total 228 hours

  • History equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 30 hours per year
  • Geography equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 30 hours per year
  • Art & Design equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 30 hours per year
  • Design Technology equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 30 hours per year
  • Religious Education equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 30 hours per year
  • Music equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 30 hours per year
  • PSHE equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 30 hours per year

Key Stage 1

  • English 5 hours per week
  • Maths 5 hours per week
  • Science 1.5 hours per week
  • Computing 1 hour per week
  • PE 2 hours per week
  • MFL 1 hour per week
  • Thinking Skills/PSHE I hour per week on alternate weeks

5 hours per topic over 38 weeks – total 190 hours

  • History equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 25 hours per year
  • Geography equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 25 hours per year
  • Art & Design equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 25 hours per year
  • Design Technology equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 25 hours per year
  • Religious Education equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 25 hours per year
  • Music equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 25 hours per year
  • PSHE equivalent to 5 x 1 week topics 25 hours per year