School Uniform
School Uniform
Children are expected to wear sensible and suitable clothing for school. There is an established school uniform. It is not compulsory but every effort is made to encourage the wearing of it and to promote a belief in its value.
Yellow polo shirt Grey skirt or trousers/leggings Yardley sweatshirt/fleece Bottle green cardigan or jumper Summer dress - yellow or green/white check Black shoes/trainers P.E. yellow t-shirt / black shorts |
Yellow polo shirt Grey trousers Yardley sweatshirt/fleece Bottle green jumper or cardigan Grey socks Black shoes/trainers P.E. yellow t-shirt / black shorts |
Logo uniform items and plain P.E. T-shirts can be ordered at school and supplied through the school office. Sizes and prices are below. They keep stock of all sizes should you wish to get your child to try it on for size before purchasing.
All children need plimsolls or a change of trainers for P.E./Games - they are absolutely essential for all P.E. Parents are also asked to provide a named P.E. bag - these too are available from school, though any drawstring bag will be fine. Kit is kept in school during term time and returned each holiday for washing.
Any items that will be worn predominantly outside, such as hats and coats, can be any colour or brand.
All items of personal clothing should be clearly marked with the child's name. The school does not accept responsibility for lost items. You would not believe how many un-named items of clothing we end up with each year!
Items of school uniform which are on sale through the school office:
Polar fleece £13.00
Rain jacket £19.50
Sweatshirt with logo £10.50
Cardigan with logo £11.50
Yellow PE top £3.50
Book bag with logo £6.50
P.E. Bag with logo £5.50
The school makes no profit on school uniform and sells the items on at cost price. There is no requirement that pupils need to wear the jumpers or cardigans with the school logo. Parents are more than welcome to have their child wear any bottle green jumper or cardigan bought from a supermarket.